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One sure sign of a useful intellect is the ability to dance with an idea without necessarily having to marry it. With that in mind, please come dance with me and allow me to stray for a minute, in order to come back with a useful perspective on existential reality.

For physicists, the observables and the m-theory math lead us to the conclusion that everything in this universe is 11 dimensional. Also, we already know that matter and energy are the same thing and therefore, everything we are, see, and know is part of an 11 dimensional energy construct. Reality is a sea of energy and we are essentially like ripples in that field.

That said, why are we having a 3 dimensional experience? Why do we see what we see? Is this "reality" just a dream? Many scientists speculate that we are living in a massive hologram. This would fit. So, therefore, you are an 11 dimensional energy signature living a 3 dimensional experience.

Following this line then, it seems YOU are creating this projection, this dream, therefore technically, YOU are the God / creator of your version of reality. It certainly explains every anomaly, every weird aspect in your adventure experience, doesn't it? From strange coincidences to Deja-vu to ghosts and supernatural happenings. Anything that you see or know that doesn't obey the laws of "normalcy". Because anything can happen in a dream. And the scope and scale of a dream is the entire universe. There are no limits for pure thought.

Also, as energy beings projecting a 3D experience we are separate from our body and therefore that body's lifetime, and can survive from one life to the next as easily as a sleeper moves from one dream to the next. Reincarnation is not so remarkable anymore in this context.

And your universe might be entirely different than mine.

So are YOU a God, but so am I in MY own private universe?

But then we are left with the question of "Who created all of this then? All of us individual 11 dimensional entities dreaming our own 3D universes into existence, etc.?" Is there an external God/ creator after all? Or is there only one person and all others are an illusion? Part of the bigger dream?

The problem here is that the question is unanswerable because all of the observables are within the region of experiment. Nothing is outside the universe we are examining for us to compare to and measure against. So logic, insight, and imagination can only take us so far. For absolute provable "Truth" no facts are available, so your guess is as good as mine. And that is why, in all of this, there is still room for the concept of God.



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