Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Artificial General Inteligence (AGI) More than typical purpose-built AI programs that are clever programs written for specific things...
Why Get Married?
Why get married again in middle age? Why not just live together? A long-time, close friend of mine for over 20 years, asked me this one...
Pets. There are many reasons to find fault with humans in general, from how we treat the planet to how we treat each other, but one of...
The Rules and When to Break Them
The Rules When do we obey them? When do we break them? When do we change them? In the place and time I grew up, this would not even be a...
Poison For The Mind
Poison for the mind. I used to think all knowledge was good, and the more knowledge you have, the better off you are because that makes...
Insanity and Reincarnation
Insanity and reincarnation. I wonder if insanity carries forward from this life into the afterlife. Then, if that is true, are some...
The Grandfather Clock
The Grandfather Clock. I had a specialist come to finally set up the grandfather clock that has not been set up to work for 10 years. It...